Frivolity: C&C Theorem#

CC 定理#

(感谢 Y. S. Cao 的邀请!正好我也姓C,依葫芦画瓢搞了个搞笑版的 CC 定理)


\[\begin{split} \text{ courses } \left\{\begin{array}{l} \text{ hard } H \text{ with honor tax } \tau\\ \text{ easy } E \end{array} \right. \end{split}\]

这个荣誉税 honor tax 指的是某些荣誉课每周加一些事情的现象,而且这些事情对期末成绩几乎没有影响,纯纯占用学习时间罢了(注意我们这里在功利的评判期末价值)。因此相当于上交了一定比例的精力(若用之学习带来的知识流的机会成本)。在不考虑荣誉税,且学生可以自由退选课以最大化绩点的情形下有:

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} &\text{ CC Theorem 1:} \\ &\quad V = H + E = \frac{K}{r} \\ &\text{ Proposition: Free Course Market } \end{align} \end{split}\]

\(K\) is the knowledge flow a student earned during each week. \(r\) corresponds to the level of the student's learning skill or forgetting rate, while more risk means weaker ability and a higher \(r\). \(r_o\) is the standard forgetting rate of a person.

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} &\text{ CC Theorem 2:} \\ &\quad V = H + E = \frac{K}{r} + \frac{-\tau H}{r_o} \end{align} \end{split}\]

Thus honor courses only to students if no academic value is considered. \(walc = r (1+ \frac{\tau}{r_o}\frac{H}{H+E})\) gets larger when the honor leverage \(\frac{H}{H+E}\) becomes larger.

For market, we have

\[ r = r_o + \beta(r_M-r_o) \]

where \(\beta = \frac{Cov(GPA_M,GPA_S)}{V(GPA_M)}\) can be calculated by the average variation of the whole undergraduate students' GPA (the market GPA) and the correlation between the market GPA and the avergae GPA of students in the same learning level.

\[\begin{split} \begin{align} &\text{ Additional values: } \\ &\quad V' = V + \sum\limits_i r_wT_i + Ac(H) \end{align} \end{split}\]

\(T_i\) is the reviewing time of course i and \(r_w\) is the knowledge output rate in reviewing weeks, \(r_w > r > r_o\). Here we don't give a thorough consideration of how students arrange their time across different courses with different test dates. \(Ac(H)\) is a function of academic value of \(H\) honor course credits, probably concave. Then we will get a maximizing point of \(H^*\) (the best course structure).